Prayer Shapes the World Around Us

                                                                                                                                                                        By Maureen Buckingham
“Prayers outlive the lives of those who uttered them; outlive a generation, outlive an age, outlive a world.”  E.M. Bounds

Sometimes I’m not sure if we understand the power of influence we have in shaping the world around us and the next generation.  Whether it is our natural children or spiritual sons and daughters we can impact them to go further and do more than we hoped to do in our life time.

“God shapes the world by prayer.” E. M. Bounds  

My mother was definitely an inspiring example to many and her legacy has continued years after her passing away.  She was a powerful woman of prayer.  No matter what the situation or problem, she modeled a godly response in how she reacted.  She prayed in faith and stood on the Word. 

She didn’t just model it she stirred and prodded others to pray as well.  She would pray right then and there and then ask others to pray, phone people to pray, plan a prayer meeting if necessary:) the list goes on.  I won’t take the time now to share all the testimonies of lives changed, people saved, delivered and healed all because she knew her God!  The prayers she prayed and type of prayer she stirred still goes on today but in multiplication through the lives she inspired.iStock 000003137818XSmall

She was also a woman of the Word.  She taught multiple Bible studies at a time for as many years as I can remember, because she knew it would change lives.  She always had a Bible in her purse and a big Bible with a fancy cover to take to the church.  She loved to mark it up to remember where verses were or write notes in the margin.  She patterned her life after scripture so if you didn’t know what the Word you could see it in her life.  

She sowed countless seeds into lives and many people I met would tell me that they were her spiritual son and daughter.  At the grocery store, clothing stores and other places she frequented, there would be a parade of people who couldn’t wait to encounter her again or had something they were waiting to share with her.

I was overwhelmed many times at the influence of one little woman.  I was known all over the region because I was her daughter:).  Homeless people to business class to the wealthy to church and community leadership, everyone wanted to receive from her, the Christ within her.

So many of us just constantly look at our limitations rather than how far a little word, a caring heart, an offer to pray can go.  She reached thousands of people in her lifetime and today sons and daughters all over this continent, and even some beyond, rise up and called her blessed!

My family is also part of the fruit of her life.  We were raised to believe and depend on God and His Word. I have a great inheritance because of men and women that have gone before me and I am going to walk in it so my many sons and daughters can go even further.  Let us be men and women of God that don’t just leave a temporal legacy but an eternal one in the lives of hundreds and thousands all around us.  

This Week's Verse

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:3b

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