
A Kingdom "Business" 


                                                                                                                                                                  By Marg Vansickle
   Growing up in a small community I was surrounded by a large close knit family. Our lives revolved around the church, so my foundation was rooted in the Bible. During my teens, I entertained the idea of becoming a missionary in Africa but instead I married a sweet man and had two wonderful children. We moved away from my hometown and family. It was a very difficult transition period for me.
   My husband and I then started our own muffler business in Burlington Ontario, even though this was not my idea of serving the Lord. But I soon realized that God put me there as He kept bringing people across my path. During this time I was introduced to the Holy Spirit, the Bible
came alive to me, and I started to hear the voice of the Lord.
   We decided to set up a small shelf at work in the waiting room with Christian books, Bibles, and CDs. I wasn't long until our customers began asking questions about the material This opened the door for us to tell them about the Lord. We found people from all walks of life were
open to receive the gospel.
In this small muffler shop over the past number of years:
• relationships have started and grown
• seeds have been sown through sharing the Word and the Kingdom of God
• opportunities have come for His love to flow through us by helping others
• the shop has become a place of prayer
• it has become a place where people have been connected for purpose and fellowship
   We have just simply shared how great our God is, how important and valuable we are to Him, how totally forgiven we are by Christ's sacrifice, and how the Holy Spirit is ever present within us. I never thought that a muffler" shop would become a mission field to the honour and glory of the Lord. How thankful and blessed I truly am by all the people the Lord has led across my path. Carline Muffler & More is first and foremost His business.

Testimony from the Streets of Winnipeg

                                                                                                                                                                                      By Jill Coombs

   As of late the media has shone a light in some of the dark corners and secret alleyways of Winnipeg. Our city is reeling from the tremors of the murder of missing women to the allegations and truth of deep seated racism. However, as Christians we know that where there is darkness, God's merciful light shines all the more brightly.

    So in response to Winnipeg's darkness, I am delighted to share the testimony of one of Winnipeg's aboriginal girls who found herself plucked from the streets by our Lord's strong and steadfast arm. And praise God, she is one that will not be numbered amongst Winnipeg's murdered and missing.

    My friend's life has not been an easy one since she has given her life to the Lord. Nevertheless her joy and complete trust in the Lord rings out with unmistakable faith.

   The Bible text I've chosen to weave throughout her testimony is Psalm 73:22-24. I am sure that we can all relate to what it is to emerge from a season of despondency only to be thrown into the waves and billows of God's Fatherly chastisement and unyielding grace and love.

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This Week's Verse

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:3b

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