Lesson #2 Strategic Planting

By Maureen Buckingham

A few years ago we bought a new home. We discovered that all the flower beds were full of 20160616 103044 225x400perennials. I didn’t know what the plants were and at times we were guessing what was a weed and what was a plant. (Remember, I don’t have a green thumb and have never claimed to be a pro or have studied garden plants. Now in a twist of irony my neighbors are professional gardeners….) Anyway, the first spring in our home we watched as plants sprung up all over.


In the front garden, the snow was barely gone and some tulips of all colors started to grow. I was amazed how fast they bloomed and also how fast they were finished. I felt a little disappointment as the flowers were gone. However, in the backyard flower bed there were numerous plants along the whole fence. I noticed buds on one leafy plant and it burst into bloom with detailed bright yellow flowers. I was so pleased.

As the season went on we discovered that the whole garden was planted with great attention to detail. Every plant would go on to flower in such beautiful ways but all at different times. The gardener had set it up that at any given time of the spring or summer, there would be at least one plant in full bloom. Our yard was never without flowers from the early spring to autumn.

I have thought about this spiritual lesson as well. God is the master gardener. He has planted each of us where we are for a purpose. Although all the plants in my natural garden are in the same season of spring together they are all in a different process and growth pattern. This is a picture of us in God’s garden. While one is blooming and being used of God and seems to have people’s attention, this doesn’t negate the other plants. Their time for completing the plan of the garden beauty and functionality is coming too.

There are times for certain gifts to function and people to take action that may not be the call for everyone. If I just focus on one plant or bush in the back yard I will not see the overall plan and beauty God has created. Remember, you are planted where you are for his glory but you are part of a picture that is beyond just you. Look around and enjoy what God is doing in and through others letting faith arise in you that He will do it in and through you as well.

This Week's Verse

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:3b

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