His Gift Inside

By Jewell Clarke
Christmas has come and gone and we celebrated the greatest gift we could ever receive, the birth of our precious Lord Jesus. He came for us so we would never again be separated from our creator God- our Heavenly Father. At times I sit back and meditate on this intricately devised plan, the details orchestrated in bringing this forth was truly divinely inspired.

   Imagine Heaven touching Earth! Every detail was brought forth right down to this precious baby lying in a manger which was made of stone (not of wood we see in nativity scenes today). Jesus birth was a prophetic picture of what was to come at His burial as He was laid to rest on top of a stone slab in a tomb.

   As a baby He was wrapped in milking cloths (called swaddling cloths), the milk of the Word. This again was a prophetic picture of what was to come at His burial, “He was wrapped in linens and laid in a tomb.” (Luke 23:53)

   Every detail was orchestrated by our Heavenly Father; His life, His birth, His ministry, His death, burial and resurrection. The greatest present we have been given, is the gift of Jesus Himself - His Spirit - The Holy Spirit who was sent to live inside of us, to guide us, direct us, teach us, train us, comfort us, to meet every need, to calm every fear, to bring peace in every storm.

   2016 is here! He knows what lays ahead, a blank slate with only God knowing what will be written for each day. It’s a new beginning, a new season. The peace we have is in knowing that every detail has already been planned for you and I and all we have to do is Abide in Him, and “He will bring forth great and mighty things that we know not!” (Jer. 33:3)

   While the world lives in fear we live in Him the Prince of Peace. The greatest gift is living in us. Let us share it and spread this good news. We have all been called, anointed and chosen to live at this specific time, our steps have been ordered. The plans of Heaven are coming forth on Earth. We are the vessels. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”. Matt. 6:10. He knows the beginning from the end. The harvest is now.


This Week's Verse

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:3b

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