A Father's Day Analogy

by Janis Desjardins
   This Father’s Day, I was reflecting on a time long ago with my dad. I’m not sure how old I was but more than likely under 10 years. I had a new bike and I was so excited to show my dad my skills in riding it. My dad was walking down the street and I approached him yelling, “Look, no hands”. At the same time I lost bike 1474856 638x445control of my bike, my dad looked horrified. My bike turned and took a life of its own as it continued across the street and crashed in front of a car. In just seconds, horror and amazement were the mixed emotions that I’m sure the driver and my dad experienced however I was horrified and scared.

   I got up and ran as fast as I could into the house, up the 17 stairs (I used to count them) and into my room at the top of the stairs and crawled under my bed. My body was shaking as I choked down tears but remained still and silent hoping nobody would find me. Contemplating what I had done, I realized I left my bike in front of that car and my dad to retrieve it. It seemed like hours but it was just minutes later, my dad came up the stairs and called my name. There was no answer. As I peered out from under the bed I saw his feet next to me. Still silence. He then bent over and his eyes locked onto mine. My bed was double-sized so I could scoot to the very edge of my bed on the other side. He would go to the other side and I would scoot back to the other side all the time he encouraged me to come out and that everything was okay. No way, I did not want to come out of my safety zone so he left me alone until I was ready to come out.
   In reflecting, I realized I had no reason not to come out. My dad hadn’t laid a hand on me ever as my mother was the disciplinarian in our family. But I was scared and so sad that I had let my dad down and perhaps that he wouldn’t like me anymore.
   I’m older now, my dad has passed on and reflecting on this today, I realized this would be a good analogy for today, Father’s Day. It wasn’t my dad that was the problem, it was me and the unforeseen. My thoughts of what could happen, not what was happening. My dad was just thankful that I was okay and he already knew I had learned a great lesson.
   Father’s Day is a day to celebrate fathers. All types of fathers. Nobody is perfect but our Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father is always there for us. There’s the example of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-22 NKJV). He waits for us to make the first move and receives us back joyfully. He celebrates us. Repentance is everything. That’s what He did for us through His Son Jesus who shed His blood for us. This is irreversible love.
“Therefore, you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48 NKJV).
                                          TO ALL FATHERS, HAVE A BLESSED FATHERS DAY!
And with remembrance of our Heavenly Father, our eternal Father…
“For this reason, I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, … (Ephesians 3:14, 15 NKJV)

This Week's Verse

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:3b

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