Prayer with our children

   So lately, I have been thinking about how to encourage my children to pray for others.  It seems to happen so little as prayer has been for the needs and desires of themselves and little else. I was kind of blind to it for a while but then I found myself compelled to do something to encourage the kids to think about others in prayer.
   Recently, as we were getting ready for bed, I asked my daughter who she would like to pray for and she replied, "my family," to which she began to pray for our health and well being. As she prayed, she said that there are many children in this world who don't have families. When she finished and I began, I thanked God for reminding her of the value of having each other and the knowledge that our God is a God who adopts those who have been abandoned or are alone and He becomes their Heavenly Father. She joined in and added those who are sick, that God would heal, specifically cancer patients.
   I was encouraged! She declared healing over the sick, thanking God that He heals them. I am grateful that it all began with God. It was prayer time led by Him and it was such a blessing!
   Sometimes, I think that I'm not doing a great job of teaching my children to follow Christ, or seek Him for more than just "themselves"... this was a good reminder that it's GOD! He'll do it! He'll lead us as parents, and if we listen to the prompting of His Spirit, He will handle it completely.
Mom I

This Week's Verse

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:3b

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