Mommy Blog:

The other day, my 4 year old and I were driving to my sisters as I had an appointment. I was feeling a bit pressed for time and I was concerned I might be late. Due to construction in the lane I was in, I needed to switch lanes fast. I signaled to move over however a big black dodge coming up behind in the partnering lane would not let me in. And now in that moment I was just about stopped because I had only one way to go and that was to that lane. As the big black dodge passed by, I said," Thanks a lot you jerk."
Yep. Came right out of my mouth, just like that.
My son interjected at this point saying, "Mom! Don't say that word! That's a bad word!"...and it gets better...
In my "wisdom", I actually tried to defend myself! (insert a good laugh here)
I stuttered and tripped over my tongue for a minute before I realized what I was doing. Laughing at myself, I quickly stopped my tongue tripping and stuttering, and said, "Son, you are right. It is not a nice word, and I should not say it. I'm sorry," to which he was quick to accept my apology.
I was immediately convicted, knowing that my reaction was neither godly, nor right. I was keenly aware through this reminding experience, that I was setting a terrible example. This was not Christlike in any way! It was a humbling blessing to have my 4 year old there to remind me and I am grateful he has learned well what is the wrong reaction, and what the right one looks like. Mommy I

This Week's Verse

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:3b

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