Mommy Blog: What are you thankful for?

This morning I was disappointed about something that I experienced at my work, and was frankly feeling sorry for myself. Hurt and upset at the happening, I was starting to cry as I served my son lunch. I had tried to move past it, but was struggling to shake the injustice I felt I was served with. We were chatting a bit through my tears, mostly him than me, and he moved himself to sit beside me. The tears were trickling down my cheek literally, and he looked at me, and said, "Mommy, what are you thankful for?"
In that moment, I was so thankful! My focus shifted! I was able to release the whole of it, choosing to forgive, and moving forward with gratitude. I enthusiastically replied," I'm thankful that you asked Mommy that question!" and we continued to share together our lists of thanks. The word says we are to be thankful in all things, at all times. At that moment, I needed to be reminded of where my focus should be and remain, and God used my 4 year old to do that.
What a great gift! This little boy that God has shared with me, the lessons God has given me through my children! So thankful! Such a beautiful and praiseworthy thing- that God teaches me even through my children! Thank you Jesus!
Mommy I

This Week's Verse

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:3b

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