Archived Articles

A Father's Day Analogy

by Janis Desjardins
   This Father’s Day, I was reflecting on a time long ago with my dad. I’m not sure how old I was but more than likely under 10 years. I had a new bike and I was so excited to show my dad my skills in riding it. My dad was walking down the street and I approached him yelling, “Look, no hands”. At the same time I lost bike 1474856 638x445control of my bike, my dad looked horrified. My bike turned and took a life of its own as it continued across the street and crashed in front of a car. In just seconds, horror and amazement were the mixed emotions that I’m sure the driver and my dad experienced however I was horrified and scared.

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The Creator’s Touch

I pray for a vision

I desire His wisdom

as I pray for mothers this day

I pray for an awakening today.

The Lord showed me many picture frames, antique, vintage, retro, and modern. Each unique, whether they appeared weathered or ornate. Suddenly a bright light shone on them from above and they all came alive with beautiful patinas, alive with color. The light of the Lord must have been smiling down at them. His light brought out the best in each and every one of them. Every frame was unique and beautiful in its own time. The Creator’s touch.

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Lover's of God

 By Linda Cornett-Ching
    My Family and I just got back from a trip to Austria. Those that have had the privilege of visiting Europe will appreciate when I say I am simply in awe of the time worn feeling of the country. We as Canadians have no comprehension of "old". We toured many Cathedrals and various places and words cannot express the beauty and sense of history of that captivating place.

     One evening we were treated to a private concert by The "Mozart Ensemble" four musicians from the Vienna chamber music. They were dressed in period costumes. They played a selection of works by Hayden, Schubert, Beethoven, and especially Mozart. The room where the concert was given was called the "Sala Terrena". Even Mozart gave concerts here and the acoustics were glorious.

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His Gift Inside

By Jewell Clarke
Christmas has come and gone and we celebrated the greatest gift we could ever receive, the birth of our precious Lord Jesus. He came for us so we would never again be separated from our creator God- our Heavenly Father. At times I sit back and meditate on this intricately devised plan, the details orchestrated in bringing this forth was truly divinely inspired.

   Imagine Heaven touching Earth! Every detail was brought forth right down to this precious baby lying in a manger which was made of stone (not of wood we see in nativity scenes today). Jesus birth was a prophetic picture of what was to come at His burial as He was laid to rest on top of a stone slab in a tomb.

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Under His Wings

by Janis Desjardins

Father’s Day and what better way to celebrate it than to acknowledge our Heavenly Father who has been with us for all time. He is omnipresent. In this day, we are so blessed as He has given us Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, the Three in One.

Psalm 91:4 “He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.”

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This Week's Verse

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:3b

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